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EARTH is an original comic series made and published in collaboration with Editions Menard.


You can order the physical books here.


EARTH I, The Original Sin

The first edition named ‘The Original Sin’ (2019) originates from my sketchbook in which images from different origins were grouped together into eclectic collages.

The links and stories evoked by the images form the basis for possible works of art. What connects the different ensembles is the questioning nature towards the causes of conflict, the thin line between humanity and animality and the possibility of an all- encompassing sin: identity.




EARTH II, The Violent Spring 

EARTH is a comic series made by Flor Maesen and gives insight into the images and stories that inspired Maesen in his artistic development. These influences are the starting point for a comic strip in which a protagonist explores a landscape assembled from collages of recent events, historical images and sculptures.

Part 2: The Violent Spring tells the story of a man who decides to venture to the edge of the known. At a certain point, he finds himself in the middle of a mystical forest, where thought seems to reach its confines. At the point he is exhausted and in desperate need of refreshment, the wanderer encounters a seductive spring.

Editions Menard N°21
2021, edition of 100
290 x 205 mm, 48 pages
Design by Mona Schrevens

text from the website of Editions Menard

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